Friday, August 6, 2010

My rabbit sneezes alot and right under his nose his fur is slightly wet. Should I be worried?

I think your rabbit has earned himself at trip to the vet. This sounds like the beginning of a respiratory infection. If untreated respiratory infections are deadly. Only a vet can diagnose for sure.

It may also be that he is irritated by either his bedding or something else in the environment. Never bed on cedar or pine as these can cause respiratory problems. Aspen shavings, Carefresh or Yesterdays News are the safest options. You should change his environment if you are using cedar or pine.

However, you also need to take him to the vet to determine if he has a respiratory infection or not. When my rabbit had these symptoms it was the beginning of a respiratory infection. It was quickly cleared up with antibiotics because I got him to the vet early before he was in really bad shape. Good luck at the vet!My rabbit sneezes alot and right under his nose his fur is slightly wet. Should I be worried?
Did he just start sneezing, or has it been going on for a long time. It doesn't necissaraly mean that he has snuffles, which is a fatal condition, and can also be spread to other rabbits. Your rabbit may just have a cold. Mine just had one recently, and she gets them every so often. How much is he sneezing? Like once here and there or like dozens of times all at once? If he will let you, take a warm wash cloth and clean his nose up. Also, if it sounds like he is having trouble breathing, get down and listen to him sniff. It it sounds more like a pig grunting than normal breathing, you can try, and what worked for mine is rosemary oil. I had a little bottle of it, and I just opened it and let her sniff it a couple of times. not too much. he probalby wont like it and will back away. Just let him have a few good sniffs. I didnt put any on her. It worked to open her nasal passage up and breathe easier. I did that at night, and in the morning she was fine. Her breathing was back to normal and the sneezing stopped. But anytime you see snot, or wetness under their nose, make sure to clean it up.My rabbit sneezes alot and right under his nose his fur is slightly wet. Should I be worried?
You should take the bunny to the vet. He may have overgrown teeth which can cause these symptoms or maybe he has a blockage from his eye through his nose which the vet will have to flush out. It could however be something more serious
you should definitely be worried, it is probably an upper respiratory infection, which can be deadly. take your rabbit to the vet.

mine died last week of this.
definetly be careful who is around it. rabbits can pick up diseases off of humans and other animals and end up ten times worse on them
its just snot

! lol

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