Friday, August 6, 2010

Got any tips on owning a bunny rabbit?

Well I might get a bunny and if you guys could give me tips

I need these questions to be answered

What they eat?

Can they be lose in the yard?

Do they get along with cats?

and if you could give me some advice on names that's be great.


ByeGot any tips on owning a bunny rabbit?
You will have the most success with an adult rabbit. I know it seems cuter to get a baby but they dont want to be held and are generally harder to take care of. If possible try to adopt one. they will come nuetured and will be a breeze to love and hold because they wont be trying to spray on everything and if your training a house rabbit then will be easier to litter train. Please consider letting your bunny live in your house. All they need is a ';bunny room'; or a nice sized crate. You put a litter box down with a lot of hay on top and they pretty much train thrmselves because bunnies like to munch and poo. Dont try to make the cat and the rabbit use the same box. They need the green pellets. you can find them at walmart or any pet store. I get rabbit diet, natures elegence. Whatver you get make sure it says COMPLETE not complimentary or it will not be all the nutrients she needs. She alo needs to have a lot of hay. bunnies also love cat balls! they roll them around and toss them its so cute. She will need to chew chew chew! If your short on money try an old phone book. Works like a charm. unless you have a fenced yard or a bunny leash (walmart) I dont reccomend it. If you do make sure it isnt where other animals ';do their bussiness'; If the bunny eats the grass she can get sick from that. Rabbits have been known to make great pets and get along great with dogs and cats the same, as long as they are introduced properly . when you bring it home be sure to put her in her area and leave her alone for at least 24 hrs. This will give her anough time to get used to her new surroundings. I named mine butters because he was white and had brown on his face and it looked like he got in a tub of peanut butter! You can try freckles, domino, miley, hops, binky etc. what ever her name will be you will love her no matter what!

PS: Limit her intake on fruit. Despite how good she is at begging (they are pros) Dont give in. Apples etc has too much sugar in it and it is not good for her teeth. Ocassionally its ok but not all the time. she would be happy with carrotts or nice lettuce, also avoid ice burg lettuceGot any tips on owning a bunny rabbit?
OOO! Oooo! Oooo!! Me!

Here's my favorite site for pet rabbits:

It's absolutely loaded with info.

And be sure to check to see if there's a chapter close to you.

To answer your questions:

- Mostly fresh hay, plus veggies and some pellets.

- Not unless they're closely supervised - they are tasty treats for many neighborhood predators.

- Sometimes. It really depends on how ';fierce'; the bun is and how ';hunter-like'; the cat is. Definitely need a close eye.

- Check out ... you'll see all of the great and common names!
rabbits are really friendly and mine loves to come in the house and sleep on bed

they eat pellet food, and vegetables






and sometimes as a treat fruit like apple

and put loads of hay in their cage to eat, sleep and play in

i have a dutch rabbit called Rocky and he plays with my cat they chase each other up the stairs but then they lie down and groom each other

they can run around the garden i let mine out every day for about an hour but make sure that he cannot escape, always keep an eye on them and don't leave alone in the garden in case a dog or cat gets in

also check out this website
Rabbit pellets, fruit, veggies, Timothy hay daily.

Get a rabbit leash or only let out supervised and make sure your fence is sound.

Some cats are fine with them and others are too agressive, just supervise close and use your own judgement.

My two bunnies are named Sparkey and Leo.
i have the best advice.... dont let them near cords or anything they can chew on lol... this isn't spam or bad advice its true. i had a rabbit that chewed almost every cord in my room off
What Do They Eat: rabbit pellets carrots apples salt free natural crackers (you have to make sure they are all natural)

Can They Be Lost In A Yard:Yes even if you have a fence do not let them go they can and will get out if you want to let them outside free in the yard get a leash and harness for him that can be bought at your local pet shop or get some sort of a pen like for dogs and put it outside then put him in there if you do that watch that he does not dig out.

Do they get along with cats:No not unless the cat is very well trained and even then i would not do it! it is the cats natural instinct to kill it.
Oh my but yes! I had a bunny rabbit once that was given to me as a Christmas gift..I named him Bunzie. He actually fell in love with my cat..not that she reciprocated! But he did actually use the cat box and learned to go up and down the stairs from watching the cat. I did try to put a harness on Bunzie but walking him was rather tedious as he just want to stop and smell the grass and roses. I learned very quickly to keep all phone cords and stereo wires protected as he loved to chew. He also loved stealing goodies and hiding keep all snacks away if you are going to let rabbit loose in house. He also tended to pee where ever he desired and let me tell you rabbit pee is very stinky.

At some point in time I decided to let Bunzie run loose in the yard and that was a mistake. He got a very nasty disease from wild rabbits and died. So don't do that what so ever. Enjoy your rabbit but make sure you are prepared to have a nice cage and can deal with the antics.
Bunnies are a low maintenance pet to keep, you just need a decent sized cage or hutch (if it's outside), water bottle, shavings or hay for bedding and rabbit pellets for food. As well when there is grass growing you can feed along with the pellets some picked grass. Our rabbit is strange and doesn't like grass but he loves his pellets. I would not let them loose in the yard, they will run off or get attacked by a cat or dog, so no you shouldn't have them with a cat out running around together. You can get little harnesses though at the pet store and take your bunny out for a little exercise in the yard on a leash then your right there keeping watch over it.

As for names, you can name it whatever you want really....I have had bunnies named howard, carrots, bugsey, lucy, olivia, mama, harriet, easter and our bunny we have now is carl. So pretty much anything you want to name them you can.
1) Rabbits need to have hay available at all times. Timothy or other grass hay is best for adult rabbits over 6 months. Alfalfa is ok of young rabbits, but should not be used after 6 months (can be used as a treat though). Fresh water should also be available at all times. A bottle or heavy bowl is best. A timothy based pellet is best for adults. Only give about 1/4 cup for every 6 pounds of rabbit. Oxbow pellets are a good brand but there are other good brands. Don't get pellets that have extra bits in them. 16% or less protein and 18% or more fiber is best.

2) Don't let you rabbit lose in your yard unsupervised. The yard needs to be completely secure as a rabbit can get through small spaces. Building a run is best if you want your rabbit to be safe.

3) Rabbits and cats can get along but should never be left unsupervised together. Make sure the rabbits cage is secure so the cat can't get in. A cat and rabbit will probably not be the best of friends, so if they just leave each other alone, it is good.

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