Saturday, August 21, 2010

I'm going to adopt a jack russell terrier puppy, but I have a pet rabbit?

The puppy is a female about 7 months old. The rabbit is an adult male. We keep him in a cage in the backyard and take him out daily for a run in the yard.

I'm worried that the JRT will harm the rabbit or attempt to harm him, even when the rabbit is in his cage.

Any advice?I'm going to adopt a jack russell terrier puppy, but I have a pet rabbit?
Jack Russel Terriers (and pretty much all terrier breeds and some toy breeds) were first bred to kill rodents like rabbits. It is in their blood strongly to chase, attack, hunt and hurt rabbits and all animals like rabbits (guiena pigs, etc.). At 7 months, it is to late to get the two use to each other even though any younger would be more difficult. If you are still planning to getting the dog, keep the rabbit OUT OF SIGHT! Even in it's cage, the dog will try to get it and you'd be surprised at how smart dogs really are at getting through cages.I'm going to adopt a jack russell terrier puppy, but I have a pet rabbit?
getting a jack russell terrier while having a rabbit is a BAD IDEA. jack russell terriers were used to hunt rabbit its in there nature. if you rabbit is out of the cage there a good chance you dog will KILL the rabbit even if the rabbits in its cage your dog probably will fine away into the cage. its not the dogs goal to kill the rabbit there just playing, they were made to hunt rabbit but to them its just playing.
Depending on how well the rabbit does with others, is he very tame? The JRT will probably learn to get on well with the rabbit, if there is time and patience. and besides, JRT are very friendly dogs on the most part. I think its great that you want to have more pets becuase theyre jsut like friends :P I used to have dogs cats rabbits and all sorts of pets all at once, as i was growing up.

p.s. i kept my rabbit outside as well. she loved it.

introduce the 2 animals together very nice,

keep the dog on a leash and someone else holding the rabbit.

if the dogs tries to attack it pull the dog away.

keep them seperated and dont let them around eachother at the same time.

jack russells WERE bred to hunt small animals..
Definitely not recommended!

Jack's are essentailly rabbit hunting dogs. You just can't reliably ';train'; that out of them - given a chance, the JR will chase the rabbit. Rabbits are delicate - they can die of fright and will be easily injured by a frolicking dog.
Don't mix the two animals. Even if the dog doesn't attack the rabbit, the rabbit could become so frightened that it could break its own back. Either don't adopt the dog, or give away the rabbit. Good luck.
Like any other animal they take time to adjust to each other, But beware Jack Rustles are very active and need lot of room to run.
I haven't had any problems with my russell terrier.
Keep the rabbit and the dog away from eachother. The dog is too old to learn how to live with a rabbit. He will take any chance to kill the animal. Also...why are you keeping your rabbit outside? That is cruel. Rabbits can't handle the heat. You should keep him in the house. Then, get a younger dog or don't get a dog at all. It's only humane.

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